
Friday, July 10, 2020

Veda, Exact Identification of the Stars and it's Nomenclature.

Nomenclature and Identification of each Star at that time . Today all are exactly same. Feel the value of Bharatiya contribution in Astronomy.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Vedic Focus on the Kirttika Star.

In my last post I talked about the Bharatiya names of the stars.There the first name is Kirtika. A group of 7 stars. Out of them 6 are prominent. The name of elder Son of Lord Siva is Kartika who is also familiar to us as Sanatkumara, Murgana Swami,  Subrahmaniyam , Skandha, SaraAnana etc.
But do you know the name of those 7 stars?.
In our Veda they have the names. Sayuja, Yuja, Yunjamba, Dula, Nitanti, Abhrayanti, Meghayanti, Barsayanti, Chupinika. 
Please note, first 3 is a set. Similar name. Makes 1, rest are 6. All names has a relationship with cloud formation and rain.
Was it purposeful ? Why did they demarcated each star so minutely?

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Numericals in Yajur Veda.

We know in Bengali, upto crore.(10 to the power 7. ) In english there is  no terminology for 10 *1000. And 1lac*10. In Bengali we are familiar with AJUTA. NIJUTA.
Here I am showing the Vedic Source of terminology for up to 10 to the power 17.
I think in modern science it is very useful in ASTRONMOY AND QUANTUM PHYSICS.

Why our Ancestors founded this terms? This is also for Astronomy, space research and atomic research of that time. Now think and feel their depth of knowledge. Which is still invincible.
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